TASCA Privacy Policy & Statement

Tyler Area Senior Citizens Association (heretofore referred to as TASCA) is aware of privacy issues and concerns, and we want our members, employees, Board of Directors and volunteers to be familiar with what is done with the information collected.


Application: The TASCA Membership Application asks for certain person and non personal
information. This information identifies individuals as such and TASCA members. The information
collected includes:

  • Member name and address
  • Telephone Number
  • Cell Phone Number
  • E-mail Address
  • Date of Birth (No year)
  • Marital Status

This information is used to create and maintain the TASCA Membership Database, send dues
renewal notices, send newsletter either e-mail or regular mail to our members. In addition, telephone
numbers are on the activity sign-in sheets. Should anyone not want this information shared with
anyone, they can notify the TASCA office and information will not be shared.

When a TASCA employee or volunteer sends an e-mail to the members all addresses are put in the
BCC line of the e-mail address. This will assure that individual e-mail addresses are not divulged to

No Private or identifying information is collected at the TASCA.org website. Any information entered
for a financial transaction is processed through PayPal. The PayPal Privacy Policy protects everyone
who uses it.

Activity sign in sheets have some private information listed including telephone numbers. If a
member does not want anyone to have their phone number listed on these sheets please notify
TASCA and it will be removed.

Members often call for other members phone numbers and addresses. Should members not want
this information given out, they can notify the TASCA Office and it will be so noted.

Donor information is kept strictly confidential. No name or information will be released without the
express permission of the individual. This includes e-mails and newsletter.

At time the TASCA Tally (newsletter) has information on members printed. This may be about an
award, photo with name, events, dances, games, etc. Should member not want this information
printed, they must notify the TASCA office.

Private information is not disclosed to third parties. No information is given to banks, vendors,
fundraising organizations, collection agencies, etc.


The TASCA Board of Directors will not share member information with any other organizations in
which they may be involved.

Board Members will not use donation information or donor lists, in any context, or reveal that
information to other agencies and/or Board that they may sit on.

This is an all inclusive policy that applies to all members of the Board of Directors, members,
employees and volunteer of TASCA.